For the past two days, Warhammer
’s senior designer
Justin Webb has been giving the Ten Ton Hammer readers an href="" target="_blank">exclusive
look into the day-to-day workings of a gaming studio days
before the release of an upcoming MMOG. He’s tantalized you
with the target="_blank">"Rudy's Beard" video and href="" target="_blank">continues
to run his own social experiment involving a simple question and a
dollar bill.
Although the question was not sprung for his most recent blog, Justin
did have an opportunity to chat with Paul Barnett about a number of
interesting topics, and he’s encouraging you to pick which of
topics he should write about next. Read the blog, then head on over to
the forums to weigh in on his decision!

took Paul to the airport on Friday. On the way, we talked about
everything that has been going on this week. The transcription of that
tape is very long – too long for a single blog. So,
I’ve carved it up
into smaller pieces.

Here’s what some of the other chunks are about:

Going to Europe; Underpants; Girl signatures; Nurgle trophy miniatures;
Embroidered Badges; Colin Shannon; Togglett; Spyke Hallucinating.

Leave me a comment if you want to hear about any of these later today.


  • target="_blank">Read the entire "Day 3" WAR blog, then head
    to the forums for your Paul
    Barnett selection!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
