Overwatch Game director, Jeff Kaplan, has released another development update discussing several key community topics, including "complexities with designing an in-game matchmaker, and some of things we’re doing right now to improve server connection". As always the video is insightful and pleasent to watch but what I find most fascinating is that it's clear Blizzard are trying to not only avoid the toxicity of competitive play, but find some middle ground with Ranked so that it appeases the "hardcore" and those who simply want a more rigid play structure outside of Quick Match.

As much as I admire Blizzards approach here, I have to say that it's impossible to please everyone. For a competitive game that relies on team work, aiming towards removing toxicity by design is near impossible. Sadly and this is perhaps a little harsh, there are lots and lots of terrible players. Yes everyone is entitled to an "off" day but I've played enough competitive games in my life time to have seen some of the worst behaviour, that even the most inexperienced players should know. Only today in Heroes of the Storm I came across a Rank 10 Illidan who proceeded to take on 5 players by himself, every single minute. Within 8 minutes, he had died 8 times. No amount of match making or design decisions can fix such idiocy and due to that, I'd also push towards ensuring any competitive game aims for the highest level of play. Anyone below that or inbetween shouldn't be pushed out, but a ranked system should act as a means of encouraging an individual to get better. Treating everyone with kid gloves because you don't want to offend them, or don't want them to feel like they can't participate might be good business practice but it's a terrible foundation for building a competitive game. 

Have a look below at Jeff's video.

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Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016

About The Author

Lewis is a long standing journalist, who freelances to a variety of outlets.
