Be a Good Little Soldier!

While they may be rudimentary, the skills learned as a Soldier class in
Tabula Rasa are useful even in the end game. The ability to throw
shrapnel, focus inner rage, and heft a machine gun are vital to
survival on the battlefield. Ten Ton Hammer has broken down this class
to provide you with information on each skill and how it's applied in
this handy guide.

The Soldier is the first class in Tabula Rasa's
combatant class
sub-tree. Soldier classes are the primary combatants, doing the most
direct damage on the battlefield. Most soldier abilities are concerned
with aggressive, direct damage. While the Commando and Ranger classes
do branch from here, a few of the skills you will carry on and use

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Tabula Rasa Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Karen is H.D.i.C. (Head Druid in Charge) at EQHammer. She likes chocolate chip pancakes, warm hugs, gaming so late that it's early, and rooting things and covering them with bees. Don't read her Ten Ton Hammer column every Tuesday. Or the EQHammer one every Thursday, either.
