Video complete with spiffy German accents and bad techno!

A pair of Germans recently hacked a Wii Fit board to surf around Google Earth. In an effort to show more flexibility for the hack, they made it possible to control the movement of a World of Warcraft character using the Wii Fit board.

The Germans who hacked a Wii Balance Board from Wii Fit to surf Google Earth have found a much more fun use for the peripheral – running around World of Warcraft. In this follow up video, Simon and Mattieu control a low level gnome exploring Ironforge, avoiding wolves and slamming into tree trunks. Now all they need to do is hack the Wiimote and Nunchuck to understand macros and I will be the fittest WoW player EVER.

To see the video, click here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
