Vaporware, not vaporware... Vaporware...

Rumors have been flying for over a year now about Sony's Home - a console based virtual world/MMO that was initially set to launch with the Playstation 3. Obviously, it's been delayed, and so little information has been put out about it that many have questioned weather the projected actually existed in the first place.

Now rumors have begun to swirl that Home 1.0 will come to the PS3 download network with version 2.5 of the firmware, which is due out in October.

A forum post on the Home beta message board by Home Manager 'TedTheDog' said that current PS3 freezes and Network issues currently being experienced by Home beta users would be fixed with the release of PS3 fimware revision 2.50.

"2.5 is what we're waiting for and 'October' is what I've heard, later October is my guess," he said.

Elsewhere in the post, it states that Home 1.0 will launch simultaneously with firmware 2.50.

Sony was unavailable for comment, but expect more news on Home very soon.

For more information, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
