Getting your hands on the Touch of Malice one of the new Exotic Scout Rifles in the Taken king is a multi step process that requires you complete a couple different quests and gather a lot of calcified fragments. We go over the step-by-step instructions below and offer some tips on how you can make the experience a little easier.

Be warned though, this weapon will take some time to get, probably more than you can do in one sitting.

How to Get the Quest

Your quest begins on the Dreadnaught after you find your first calcified fragment. When you do, you’ll immediately be able to pick up the first of a long line of quests from Erin Morn in the tower.

Collect 5 Fragments

The first step in the chain is pretty straightforward; collect 5 Calcified Fragments from the Dreadnaught. You can find the fragments located in chests and placed in specific areas all around the Dreadnaught.

Reddit user BYF9 has put together a DestinyTheGame/comments/3lb4oo/calcified_fragments_sorted_by_location_and_videos/">great collaboration on the different locations of the fragments, which you should definitely use in tandem with this walkthrough.

When you turn it in it you will not be able to pick up the net leg of the quest until you have gathered a total of 15 fragments, so get back out there and start looking for them.

Defeat the Cabal Boss

At 15 fragments the next quests opens up and it’s probably the easiest part of the whole thing. You’ll be given a mission to go to War-4 Bunker to kill a special Cabal Boss. The fight is pretty straightforward and shouldn’t offer you too much trouble.

When you’re done head back to Erin for the next step.

Kings Fall Raid

By far the most difficult portion of the quest, you will first have to enter the Kings Fall Raid, and as soon as you do exit it to return to Erin to pickup the quest (the quest appears after your first entrance into the Raid, so just backup grab it and rejoin).

When you’ve got the quest and have rejoined the raid, you’ll be tasked with defeating three bosses in it. The Warpriest, the Daughters of Oryx, and of course Oryx himself must all be killed in order for you to complete this leg.

Collecting Materials

Hope you aren’t sick of collecting stuff yet because there’s a lot more to go. This part of the quest requires that you gather Dreadnaught specific materials, specifically 50 Hadium Flakes, 50 weapons parts, and 25 Wormspore.

You can find the best Hadium farming location in our Hadium Farming Guide.

Undying Mind

Before you can start this section you’ll need to have found at least 20 Calcified Fragments. When that’s done you’ll receive a quest to complete a unique version of the Undying Minds strike. It’s exactly the same as the original one only a special target will spawn for you at the end of the boss fight. Kill it to move on to the next step.

The End

Before you can pickup the last mission you’ll have had to collect at least 45 fragments.

The last mission is quite hard so you would be wise to bring along at least one other person to help you complete it. The tough part comes in at the end when you have to defeat not only an Echo of Oryx, but the main target that spawns when you kill it, a powerful Wizard. Complete the mission and turn it in to collect your long awaited prize!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Destiny Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
