Tabula Rasa's last patch added a number of interesting items which will make players lives much easier in the field. What are these amazing toys, where can you find them, and when should they be used? Ten Ton Hammer takes a look at everything from adrenaline boosters to portable wormholes explaining what each does and how they are best utilized. Some of this is required equipment for a good soldier so don't miss out on this informational piece.

In the field, having the proper tools and equipment can mean the difference between beating back a Bane offensive, or the walk of shame from the nearest respawn point. The AFS high command has recently begun providing additional consumable equipment to soldiers of any class, which will allow not only create greater functionality in the field but could save lives. We now have the option of a number of items available from vendors which are one time but worthwhile. We're going to walk through what's been added, how to use it, and where to get it.

Read on for more information about consumables here and be sure to stop by our forums to let us know what you think!

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Tabula Rasa Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
