As you progress farther into Tabula Rasa, you'll notice not only a change in the geography, but the zones wil become more and more hostile. Torden Mires is no exception and secure areas are hard to come by. Baylor Base is a bastion of safety among the hazards and the AFS stronghold in this area, so become familiar with it.

Baylor isn't easily accessible when you enter the zone especially near Incline. You'll need to proceed across the entire zone to the southwest corner. Make your way towards the Orsa Base and expect to get turned around a few times. When you arrive you'll find a well established facility complete with hospital, vendors, missions, and even a landing pad. There is tons to do, so here are the major missions for Baylor Base.

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Next to a Volcano? Seriously?

Like A Little Kid - This mission begins with Rohtik near the teleporter around -650.3, 219.5, -514.6. Rohtik is a friggin hippy who is whining he needs entertainment. He'll give you some experience for the mission so indulge him. You'll need to find a Comic book which you can harvest from a crate at -505.2, 250.8, 741.2. You'll next need to find a Nutter bar in a crate near Orsa around -291.8, 227.3, 132.5. Finally, locate a calendar in a crate near -349.9, 217.2, 209.4. Return to Rohtik and after sending him to his room, collect 5600 credits and your choice of Titan Hazmat Armor Legs, Pathogex Reflective Armor Boots, or an Accumax Rifle.

Energy Updates - This mission begins with Buhmoni near -611.4, 244.9, -420.1. You need to acquite 5 Energy Weapon samples which is pretty cut and dry. Keep killing Sharpshooters outside the Casso Weapons Facility until you get your drops. Return to Buhmoni for 5800 credits and your choice of a Class V EMP Bomb, a few Class V Cryogenic Grenades, or a few Class V Advanced Med Packs.

Unlockable - This mission begins with Captain Gaston near -548.8, 262.5, -453.2 who wants you to check out some crates near the Orsa Garrison. Our data was incomplete on this one location wise but it was certainly on the map near Orsa. Send us a location so we can update it and you'll get credit for it. Return to Gaston who will want you to find the "Secret Stuff." Return to the same area and retrieve it. Gaston will reward you with 5600 credits and your choice of a Vextronics Incendiary Injector Gun, Pulsar Graviton Armor Vest, or Olympia Motor Assist Armor Gloves.

Gathering of Resources - This mission begins with Viviek at the Brann LZ near the teleporter. He wants you to pick up a weapons crate, an armor crate and some medical supplies. The weapons supply is in a crate near -65.5, 198.3, 115.1. The armor supply is in a crate near -96.1, 204.8, 241.1. Medical Supply Chief Patrick who is resides in the hospital around -772.9, 227.7, -406.8 in Baylor Base will give you the medical supplies. Return to Viviek for 2700 credits and your choice of Class Standard Med Packs, Class V Fragmentation Grenades, or Class V Basic Med Paks.


Symbol Name Area of Wilderness Location (x, z, y - type /loc to display)
Will Not South end of the zone, hug right wall when leaving Baylor Base -404.5, -655.2


We hope this guide to Baylor Base missions has been useful to you. See anything we missed or could be added? Email me and you'll get full credit! Also be sure to stop by our forums to ask any questoins or let us know what you think.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
