The Alliance Leveling Guide

by David "Xerin" Piner

Page Two: Levels 1-30

The following is a complete guide that takes you from level one to level sixty. The guide is separated so that each "block" of zones has detailed information on what's the best method to get through it, along with information on prime enemies that are really great for "grinding" (the process of killing the same group of NPCs over and over for their experience). If you haven't already, head back a page and read some very important information to help you through your journey!

[1-10] Levels One to Ten

Zones Visited
Elwynn Forest (Human Starting Zone)
Dun Morogh (Gnome & Dwarf Starting Zone)
Teldrassil (Night Elf Starting Zone)

Instances Visited

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Welcome to World of Warcraft! After a neat cinematic, you should be located in one of the three starting zones. These first ten levels are extremely simple! Just do all of the available quests in the starting zone you start in until you are level 10. We have walkthroughs of both Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh if you have any trouble, along with our Zone Database for any quests that you are having trouble with. When you are out of quests, simply scroll on down and get ready for the real meat of the game.


Grinding the first fifteen levels is not a very good option, due to how fast and easy the starting quests are. Always get your first quests done to purchase enough skills so that you aren’t fighting with just your starting skills. The drops early on (combined with your limited bag space) generally won’t pay for your skills.

Anyway, if you do choose to grind out your first ten levels then do so on the boars in both Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh. Extremely weak and easy enemies, they will provide the fastest XP.

[10-20] Ten to Twenty

Zones Visited
Starting Zones (Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, and Teldrassil)
Loch Modan
Redridge Mountains

Instances Visited
Deadmines (Westfall) at around level 18!

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If you are a Night Elf, I advise you to head on down to Ironforge right now (at level ten). You may die a few times in the process, but hey! It’ll make it a little easier on you. Check out our Travel Guide and our Dun Morogh guide if you need assistance in getting to Ironforge.

For all four races, the best course of action is to use the starting zones to get yourself level twelve. You may not have enough quests in your own starting zone to get level tweleve, so you can always head to a different zone and get its higher level quests (use our handy dandy quest DB). The reason for this is that while Westfall, Darkshore, and Loch Modan all cater to level tens, the reality is that level twelves will have a much easier time completing the first barrage of quests.

First things first, start in Westfall! The farm quests (the quests involving the various farms at the northern part of the zone) should supply a level twelve with enough quests to get level fourteen to fifteen. You may want to skip the Goretusk Liver Pie quest, due to the quest items drop rate, but I personally do it since Goretusk are great to grind on. When you’ve completed all of the starting quests in Westfall, you are pretty much done with it except for The Peoples Militia which will continue until level 18 (when you enter the Deadmines).

When you are done with Westfall, head to Loch Modan. Loch Modan provides plenty of quests to get you to around level sixteen to seventeen easily. The Farstrider Lodge and Expedition quests alone are worth an entire level of experience. The elite orge chain may need to be skipped unless you can get assistance though. If at any time you are having trouble in Loch Modan, head back to Westfall and complete some more of the Defias quests! Alternatively you can head to Darkshore and work on the quests there, although a lot of the quests continue from Teldrassil.

When you are around level eighteen, it’s time to do the Deadmines (check our guide). Just look for groups doing “VC” or Van Cleef. Although a lot of people wait until level twenty. The instance itself provides you with about a full level of experience.

If you’ve exhausted everything possible in Westfall (did you check the lighthouse?), Loch Modan, and Darkshore then you can probably venture into Redridge which has quests starting at level fifteen. The only problem is that these quests are best done at level twenty. Although, personally, I would just grind away on Troggs in Loch Modan until my XP was finished out.


Until level fifteen you should do quests. After level fifteen I have to recommend the Troggs in Loch Modan for prime grinding material. The higher level Troggs contain Shamans which are spell casters (and die to a blade mighty fast).

[20-30] Twenty to Thirty

Zones Visited
Redridge Mountains
Stonetalon Mountains

Instances Visited
The Stockades

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If you haven't already been to Redridge by level 20 then go! Do all the quests there, skipping The Price of Shoes or any other quests that take too long. When you finally get to level twenty and have Redridge mostly done start with Ashenvale. Begin by doing as many quests are possible at Maestra's post (it's on the road). It'll end with Orendile's Cure and a few hints to head to Astraanar. Head there and once again load up on quests. These quests should, along with anything left in Redridge, get you to level twenty two. If not, do a little bit of grinding.

Around level 22, head on to Stonetalon Mountains. At 59,66 there is a hut that has some quests available. Do these then head to the peak (see our map). It's still a little early to complete the quests at the peak, so head and make sure you have Darkshore all finished up then return to Ashenvale and complete as many quests as possible in the zone. There are more around, search our database for them. Remember to skip any that will take too long! Don't worry if you have some left over, you can return later.

Between Ashenvale, finishing up Darkshore, and the Stonetalon quests you do you should get to around level 24 or 25. Which interestingly enough is good enough for the Wetlands! Wetlands will take a VERY long time to complete, but it'll take you a very long ways to about level 27 which is about high enough to finish all of Redridge.

At level 28 you can start on Duskwood, a zone that is similar to Wetlands in the shear number of awesome quests. While I'm not going into full details on how to do each and every quest, I will say some of the longer quest chains can be pointless if you're looking for speed. They take forever to do (with the running around) and give only a little bit of xp for the time. Duskwood will take you to 29 or 30, which is enough to finish what few quests you have left in Ashenvale which in turn will for sure get you to level 30.


I would grind on Raptors in the Wetlands until level twenty five, where I’d move on to the undead in Duskwood (moving from camp to camp as my level increased).

Hey wait! There is more! Continue on to our levels 30-60 section of this guide! Look below. to The Alliance Leveling Guide Page One: Introduction
Continue to The Alliance Leveling Guide Page Three: Levels 30-60

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Get in the bush with David "Xerin" Piner as he leverages his spectacular insanity to ask the serious questions such as is Master Yi and Illidan the same person? What's for dinner? What are ways to elevate your gaming experience? David's column, Respawn, is updated near daily with some of the coolest things you'll read online, while David tackles ways to improve the game experience across the board with various hype guides to cool games.


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