Primal Farming Guide

by: Jonathan Lee

"Primals" are needed by most high level professions and crafting recipes. They are created by collecting 10 motes of the same element, and combining them.

The demand for primals is high, and very steadily so. In fact, as more and more players achieve level 70, demand is only likely to go UP. This all means that farming Primals can be very lucrative, IF you know what you're doing, and willing to put in some time.

Before I get into the best ways to farm for these items, there are a couple ways to get them without the need to farm. Check the Auction House for motes. They aren't frequently for sale, given their value, and when they are, most players are good about calculating value according to current Primal prices. But still, keep an eye out. With some patience and luck, you'll sometimes find you can buy 10 motes for less than a Primal is going for, and make a profit!

Dealer Najeeb and Dealer Tariq, in Netherstorm and Terokkar respectively, sell various motes, under limited supply (3 of each kind). IF you're around either of them, give them a check and see if they have any. At 16 silver each, they're a bargain, but don't expect to find them in stock much. (Hint: Keep a character by them at all times, and check them as soon as the server comes back up!) Don't try to farm motes from these dealers, it is too unreliable!

Understand first that Primals are a huge deal right now. You aren't the only player looking for them, and so you'll often find your spot of choice is inhabited. If that happens, just move on to a different spot, or wait a few hours and try again. Expect to be semi-frequently attacked by the opposing faction, as well. However, often the other faction's farmers will leave you alone, as it's in both of your best interests to make as much profit as peacefully as you can, so don't kill them either, unless you want them to come back and ruin your farming session.

Farming Primal Earth

Anything that looks like a big, floaty-swirling pile of rocks is a likely candidate for Motes of Earth. Far and away, I prefer Nagrand for the large amount of likely mobs to kill, and their relatively low level (mid 60s) There are plenty of Shattered Rumblers south of Osh'gun, near the edge of the world. You can also find various earth-based creatures wandering Nagrand proper (Tortured Earth Spirits and Enraged Crushers), so be sure to kill them when you see them! You can make runs along the mountain's edge between the Throne of the Elements and Laughing Skull Keep to find Enraged Crushers.

As a bonus, Nagrand contains a lot of mining nodes, especially if you're running the mountains I mentioned above. You can often get 3 or 4 motes from node, so if you're a miner, this place is perfect.

In Shadowmoon Valley, you can go to the center of the zone to the Hand of Gul'Dan and kill Enraged Earth Spirits. They won't drop as easily as the mobs in Nagrand, but when they drop additional loot, it will be better!

Primal Earths fetch the lowest price in the Auction House, probably owing that there aren't a huge amount of good, popular items that especially need them. They're also the easiest to get, thanks to them being found during mining. HOWEVER, if you are an alchemist, or know one, they can Transmute your Primal Earths into Primal Water!

Farming Primal Air

All those high-level tornado-looking mobs drop Motes of Air. Again, Nagrand is a great place to farm these, because of the Throne of the Elements. If you have a flying mount, head to the northeastern corner to get there. You'll find plenty of Storming Wind-Rippers here. Be advised though, this place is constantly and heavily farmed by both factions.

Again, you can find more in Shadowmoon Valley, in the southeastern area. There is another group of them north of the Altar of Shatar.

Stay tuned for another update in the near future!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

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Get in the bush with David "Xerin" Piner as he leverages his spectacular insanity to ask the serious questions such as is Master Yi and Illidan the same person? What's for dinner? What are ways to elevate your gaming experience? David's column, Respawn, is updated near daily with some of the coolest things you'll read online, while David tackles ways to improve the game experience across the board with various hype guides to cool games.
