Breaking news from the EVE FanFest in Reykjavik - CCP Games and White Wolf Publishing, Inc. have made definitive plans to merge!

Reykjavik, Iceland and Atlanta, GA, USA – November 11, 2006 - CCP hf. and White Wolf Publishing, Inc. today announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement to merge. The creators of the single largest persistent online role-playing world and the world’s second-largest developer of offline role-playing, strategy and collectable card games will create the industry’s largest independent Virtual World developer. CCP is the publisher and developer of EVE Online, the world’s largest virtual gaming universe. White Wolf is the creator of some of the world’s most recognized role-playing titles including: World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage) and Exalted. The combined company will introduce new online and offline gaming products across the science-fiction, horror, and fantasy genres.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
