Min/Max-ers, start your engines!

First look is being given to some of the Death Knight's specific abilities, including the Alpha talent trees and a teleport spell. It's meant to go to the starting area for the Death Knights, but currently only goes to Tirion Fordring's house.

Depending on the talent tree chosen, the Death Knight can be an asset to a raid. It can either heal the group in special circumstances, give strength aura to all party members, increase speed with Unholy Aura (which stacks with other speed increasing buffs), increases the damage output of a single player: Fury/Prot tank, Shaman, Druid, Rogue or Weapons Hunter with a special buff that sets you into a Frenzy. Transforms itself into an undead for few seconds to become immune to sleep, fear, and charm (perfect for tanking). While in Frost Presence, increases the total health of all party members within 45 yards by 2% and increases your Frost Resistance by 22 with Frost Aura -- not bad for Northrend dungeons where certain bosses will do frost damage. And much more.

For the full story, and links to the three talent trees, please check here.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
