Where Do You Find the Answers?

How do you get the tools you need to progress in a massively multi-player online game? Do you find information by scouring community sites? Do you use online databases? Or do you maybe even buy gold from online gold sellers? With Vanguard: Saga of Heroes just months away from launch, Medeor ponders how we'll go about gathering information to help us progress from noob to uber, and considers what's right, what's iffy, and what's flatly against the EULA.

"I believe online databases are not the wave of the future, they are the wave of the now, and in the future offline information portals will continue to creep further and further into our games as UI mods and overlays. I'm already using a voice chat program in addition to the game program; what’s next? Once these ideas really begin to blossom in earnest, the blurred line between nice amenity and unfair advantage will be discussed and argued on many a forum."

See what else Medeor had to say in the rest of this article. Do you agree with him? Think he is way off the mark? Let us know int he forums at Vanguard Ten Ton Hammer.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
