Cody “Micajah” Bye, Managing Editor

The role of the healer in the massively multiplayer online games of
yesteryear was a simple one: stand back and heal. If you did this, and
did it well, your group would love you. Do it poorly, and they would
hate you. It was that simple. Over time, a few games introduced the
idea of “hybrid” classes, which combined various
elements from one class into another, allowing players to enjoy the
role of a healer without being relegated to the status of
“healbot”. These classes were known to be
formidable additions to any party, providing off-healing abilities
while still being able to add to the overall DPS of the group.

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Archmages need
to be on their toes with lots of healing spells ready to avoid this
sort of screen.

However, throw any group into a PvP situation, and the entire
“stand back and heal” strategy doesn’t
always work. Healers and especially the “hybrid”
type healing classes must be on their toes at all times. Unlike AI
opponents, PvP gamers will take pleasure in seeing a healer standing
behind all of his teammates, trying to heal them. However, if you throw
yourself in the middle of a group, you may as well kiss your little
healing ass goodbye.

As a hybrid healer, I’ve played enough RvR in beta and into
the headstart that I feel confident in helping new WAR Archmages really
get a grip on their responsibilities in RvR environments and exactly
how they can best help their group. It’s a relatively limited
list, so if you have any further suggestion for Archmages, make sure
you speak up in the forums!

Archmage Tier 1 Strategies

1. Always Be Alert 
- Perhaps the most non-specific tip out of all of my Archmage
strategies, it is still probably the most important. Unlike your
tanking brethren, Archmages don’t have enough hit points to
ever be taking unknown damage. There have been numerous occasions where
I was watching every health bar but my own, and then was faced with a
“You’re Dead!” screen. Know where your
enemies are at all times, and make sure that your friends are between
you and any baddies that might be heading your way.

While you’re strictly a healer in the MMOG sense, Archmages
are true “hybrids” meaning they have almost an
equal number of damaging and healing spells. A true Archmage should
come out of an RvR scenario with only a bit more damage than healing
done. You’re an equal opportunity healer and killer, so make
sure you operate that way to get the most XP and Renown for your buck.

2. More DoTs!
– Although Archmages don’t have a huge arsenal of
damaging spells, we do have one thing that allows us to absolutely
shine in RvR. DoTs. Lots of ‘em. Opponents hate getting hit
by damage over time (DoT) spells, and the Archmage has a whole treasure
trove of these spells at his disposal.

In fact, Archmages even have DoTs that allow them to heal their
teammates! These DoTs are great to use in RvR scenarios; most of them
are instant cast and do a generous amount of damage to your opponents
while keeping your allies alive. If you do find yourself without anyone
to heal, just throw DoTs on all the baddies you see. You’ll
rake in the XP and Renown.

3. Don’t Be a
Selfish Healer
– I can’t stress this
enough: Archmages are healers. Despite all of the calls to the
contrary, our number one priority as Archmages is still to heal our
teammates. If we don’t do this, we die. Keep an eye out on
the health bars in your group at all times. Use your F1 – F6
keys regularly to cycle through the allies and make sure
they’re all staying alive. You’ll still gain XP and
Renown this way, so don’t think of it as any skin off your
back. You’ll still be rewarded.

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Archmages do NOT want to be in this sort of open area.

4. Be a Selfish Healer
– However, if you are faced with a whole squadron of
Marauders descending upon you, don’t hesitate to hit that F1
button and lay some heals on yourself. In essence, you’ll be
“tanking” the group that’s hitting you,
and more often than not you’ll be able to keep yourself alive
long enough for your allies to come in and at least pull a number of
them away from you. Groups need healers that stay alive, so make sure
you’re always up and moving around.

5. Move Strategically
– The best way for Archmages and healers to stay alive in RvR
combat is moving strategically. Utilize your environment. Stay away
from flat, open areas. Stay close to your teammates, but
don’t get in the middle of the action. If there’s a
high point that you can access, get there so you can see the
battlefield. You’re a veritable god of damage and healing, so
act like one. As an Archmage, you’re a veritable force to be
reckoned with, and you need to make sure you’re in the prime
position to achieve your goals whether they’re healing or

6. Hustle But
Don’t Hurry
– As my father always
said, you shouldn’t move slowly, but you shouldn’t
hurry either. Just hustle. This same strategy works well in
Mythic’s RvR battles. As a back row combatant, you
shouldn’t be eager to go racing off into the fray, but
you’ll need to keep an eye on where your tanks and DPSers are
running off to. Make sure you’re safe, then head over to that
area. It does you almost no good to go rushing off into an area where
danger is lurking.

7. Use
“Line” Spells with Caution

There are a number of spells (Radiant Gaze, Searing Touch, etc.) in the
Archmage’s arsenal that are quite problematic in RvR
scenarios. Why? These spells create an effect
“line” to their target, highlighting exactly where
that line of nastiness is coming from. The quickest way for a
Destruction DPSer to come charging through the ranks to kill you is to
see one of those “lines” flash in front of his

However, both of these spells are quite potent, and shouldn’t
be neglected either. Rather than using them all the time, save these
spells for when you have a target that’s pulled away from a
larger group. Minimize the number of characters seeing your
“line, and you’ll be just fine.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
