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face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">(Note:
If you don't understand something I have said or abbreviated, get
caught up on the terminology href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/21987">here.)




Updating DirectX

An important bit of news this week. When the next update for AoC is made available players will need to make sure they install the latest version of DirectX or they won't be able to enter the game. You can download the latest version here. Ask any questions and find a few answers in this thread.

Murder points getting reset after hotfix?

One of the hot topics this week would have to be the announcement that PvP experience might get rolled back with the fix for an exploit that some people had been making use of to gain PvP levels faster than intended. Needless to say there have been many in the community concerned that this might end up rolling them back even if they gained it legitimately. Funcom's Senior Community Manager Oliver 'Tarib' Kunz was quick to jump in and address these concerns and answer a few other questions in this thread.

Since today's update corrected an exploit for the PvP consequence mechanic, players have been asking about the plans to "punish" players who possibly exploited the system before the fix. We are aware that some players indeed gained PvP experience in a very fast manner. However not all of the players raising fast in the PvP ranks exploited the mechanic and we don't have any automatic guaranteed foolproof way to determine the exploiters from the honest players. The only 'fast and dirty' approach would be to roll back everyone's PvP XP to what it was before last week's update.

But this would mean that many thousand players would have lost what they worked hard for to gain. Not only players with PvP level 4 or 5 but also those players who just made it to level 1 or 2 or 3. We can't punish the vast majority for an issue with one mechanic a few players have decided to exploit so we decided to not roll back PvP XP. We will however keep on investigating single cases and take action where needed. This is, as you will understand, a time consuming and difficult task.

We will of course keep you up to date about any news in that regard. But as of now, we do not consider a PvP XP rollback to be the right course of action.

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This week we Interview Funcom's Community Coordinator Wayne "Yakomo" Soong.

Will server mergers happen before the end of the year?

If you have been wondering about how server mergers are coming along this is a good place to check. Funcom's Game Director Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison has been discussing the coming server mergers in this thread and when we might possibly see them.

We are certainly working towards being able to organize the server merges before the holidays. The process is currently being tested and defined (i.e. which servers will merge into which etc). This is something that needs to be carefully tested as it is important for us that the transition for you guys is as smooth as possible. So you will get all the details as soon as we have everything drawn up and confirmed.


Ten Ton
Hammer Threads of the Week


How is Age of Conan now?

We have had some people asking about how AoC is now a few months after launch. Several of our community have added their thoughts here. Read up and add some of yours.

Community Coordinator Interview with Wayne "Yakomo" Soong

This week we took some time out to Interview Funcom's US Community Coordinator Wayne "Yakomo" Soong. The Interview was focused on getting to know Yakomo and give the community some insight into where our beloved Community Coordinator comes from.


Weekly Funny with the Tuk

face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> style="font-weight: bold;">(The Weekly Funny is not
reflective of the views of Ten Ton Hammer. That said, they are of mine.)

Bruce Lee was one of the great martial artist of the last century. As such there have been many greats to come after him such as Jet Li, Jackie Chan and many others. This has led to a whole generation of martial arts experts (and believe me I use that term loosely) who have surfaced to show us their martial arts prowess in this week's video I call...

Klutz Fu...


AoC Ten Ton Hammer Content


Ten Ton Hammer has
rolled out a ton of new content, videos, and guides since launch and
the content train is still rolling. In case you missed it here is all
the great content from this past week.



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class="style7">Other Content


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    this week's hot
    topics on our href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=37207">forum.

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To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Age of Conan: Unchained Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
