Today's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning community news piece the Warherald explains something many of us have been pondering since it's launch in November. How exactly does zone control work and why doesn't it easier to figure out? The development attempts to explain and enlighten by showing how control passes from one side to the next:

Greetings! Today, we sat down and chatted with the RvR team about two popular topics we've seen pop up in the WAR community. Read on!

Q: We have keeps claimed but our Victory Points from Scenarios, Skirmish, and PvE are still degrading…what gives?!

A: This unfortunately is a common misconception due to various player mods which inaccurately represent the Zone Control system. Victory points in the Skirmish, Scenario and PvE pools degrade whether a Keep is claimed or not.

Q: We just did 5 runs of a PQ and the PvE pool has barely moved…what’s going on there?

A: Each Zone Control pool has various weights associated with it to determine its importance in the over all Victory Point total. These pools also have a neutral pool to limit the “flip flopping” of dominance in a single area of Zone Control (except for BOs and Keeps which are binary). Currently the weights of each pool are as follows:

* Tier 1: Scenario - 40%, Objectives 40%, Skirmish 10%, PvE 10%
* Tiers 2 and 3: Scenario - 35%, Objectives 35%, Skirmish 10%, PvE 10%, Prior Zone 10%
* Tier 4: Scenario - 25%, Objectives 45%, Skirmish 20%, PvE 5%, Prior Zone 5%

You can find their full post right here Want to learn more about Warhammer Online? Check out the collection of guides and editorials at our site.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
