A lot is happening for Aion this year and that means someone needs to lead the way during this period of post-launch growth. To meet the needs of the game, a new Producer has been named to take the reigns.

Chris “Kinslon” Hager, known previously as the Associate Producer, has stepped up to take on the job. Being intimately involved already in Aion, he certainly has the background that will benefit the potential growth of the game.

You may know Chris already – he’s been with NCsoft since the fall of 2005. He has worked on multiple NCsoft titles throughout the years including Guild Wars, Lineage II and Aion. His passion for games goes far beyond his profession: He’s also a hardcore gamer that plays games across multiple platforms. Some of his favorite titles include: Bioshock, Mass Effect and the Legend of Zelda series (He’s never been able to decide on a favorite.)

We would like to wish Chris lots of luck in his new position and we look forward to seeing what his lead brings to Aion!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
