Next Instance Ruby Sanctum?

Tom Chilton Interview (Link)

For the final question, there’s been some rumors going around and I wanted to clear them up. You guys have wrapped up the main Lich King storyline. Icecrown is out there, which you guys have said is the final major raid for this expansion. But there are some rumors that there might be another content patch of some sort before Cataclysm releases.

That is a possibility. We can’t say for sure at this point, but we are looking into the possibility of having a boss in the Ruby Sanctum, which is another part of Wyrmrest Temple. It’s a little too early to have a lot of details on that, but I wouldn’t characterize it as a huge chunk of content. It’s not a patch 3.4 or anything.

In an interview on World of Warcraft game director Tom Chilton let slip that the next raid instance to hit WoW may be an extension of the Wyrmrest Temple portal cluster in the form of a Ruby Sanctum boss.

If you've followed World of Warcraft lore at all, you'll recall the close connections between the Red Dragonflight and Deathwing, a major motif in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. This may be Blizzard's way of kicking off the in-game ramp up to the upcoming expansion.

New Patch to hit PTR soon?

The PTR forums on the European World of Warcraft forums were recently cleaned out, leading to speculation that a PTR patch is imminent. Earlier today the North American forums followed suit. We'll keep you posted for any new developments, but it seems very likely that this could be the dry run for the revamp to the WoW Battlegrounds.

Minor change for Herbalists:

Bornakk (Link)

Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.

To review previous in-game fixes, please visit:

  • The drop rate of Frost Lotus, from herbs in Northrend, has been increased by 50%.

This change wasn't really a shocker; the price of flasks on most servers has been on a steady climb since they initially nerfed the Frost Lotus drop rate. Giving in to popular opinion on this one isn't going to yield complains from anyone.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
