Spring is in the air and with it comes the undeniable urge to clean, to
let go of the old and usher in the new. Many will be puttering around
the house, doing all those things the winter months prevented. Many
will participate and revel in  this cleaning ritual, so why
not take the next step and bring your spring cleaning to your World of
Warcraft character?

Before I start with the cleaning, you might be asking yourself how in
the world did I ever get myself into this mess? Well it really did
sneak up on me, my bags didn’t always look like the local
landfill, they were clean once….I think. I have a hard time
parting with things. I keep things if I think I maybe might need them
someday, and I keep them if  they have some sort of
sentimental value. This is why I still have a Mature Dragon Sinew (I am
not now, or have ever been a Hunter) collecting virtual dust in my
bank, it has a memory attached to it.

Join Mem this week as he takes up the challenge, and does some cleaning
up of his character’s inventory. To follow along, and see the
end result click href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/wow/editorials/managingyourinventory"

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Amunet, also fondly known as Memtron, is an organic life form best known for its ongoing obsession with Blizzard Entertainment's numerous properties. To that end, Amu has authored hundreds (thousands?) of the most popular World of Warcraft guides, editorials, and Top 10 lists on the planet. When not gaming and writing, Amu is busy chasing after her three children in a perpetual loop of ongoing disaster.
