Bashiok (Link)

Beginning in just a few days, players who participate in the Recruit-A-Friend program will receive a whole new reward for showing a friend the ropes in Azeroth: the X-53 Touring Rocket, a two-seater flying mount that automatically increases its speed as your mount skill improves (up to 310% speed if you already have a 310% mount). The X-53 will be replacing the current Zhevra mount reward, which is retiring from the Recruit-A-Friend business after a good run. If you've already claimed a Zhevra (or claim one prior to the change), you’ll be able to hang on to it, of course. We’ll have more details on the new Recruit-A-Friend mount once it becomes available.

Current Recruit-A-Friend FAQ -

Zarhym (Link)

Time is running out for those who wish to claim their Zhevra, as the launch of the X-53 Touring Rocket is now scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27! If you’ve fulfilled all of the Recruit-A-Friend requirements necessary to claim a mount now but choose not to claim the Zhevra, you will be able to claim the X-53 Touring Rocket instead once it launches. Sounds like they’re firing it up for a final test run now....

You can find the original announcement here:

Time has in fact run out, as the new Recruit-A-Friend rocket hit the streets of Azeroth today. It is the first multiplayer flying mount to be introduced to World of Warcraft and as such has a unique utility.

The rocket can be obtained in the same manner as the old Zhevra reward. It looks like this:

There's no rush, this should be available for a long time, and as I understand it if you have a 'claimable' Recruit-A-Friend reward still available then it can be redeemed for the rocket. Otherwise go out and grab a friend that you think would like WoW! You can find details on the Recruit-A-Friend process here.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
