Zarhym (Link)

With development on World of Warcraft: Cataclysm well underway, the Screenshot of the Day section on will now display unique Cataclysm screenshots every day! We’re capturing images of our favorite new World of Warcraft creatures, characters, and environments, and are eager to share them with you. Be sure to stop by each day for the latest look behind the veil of the expansion’s development progress.

Screenshot of the day:

Got a few new screenshots from the semi-upgraded Cataclysm
engine. The first two are pictures from what I assume is the Swamp of Sorrows and Tirisfal Glades.

The bottom shot is apparently of the Blasted Lands, if this is any indication Azeroth is getting a pretty substantial makeover in Cataclysm. You can boggle at the lovely water effects while reveling in the nostalgia when you look at the polygonal unrefined graphics for the trees.

Not going to complain too much about this. While a real game engine revamp would be nice, I wouldn't care to have to buy a new computer or turn settings down to minimum for the always-stressful graphical environment in raid instances. Things are looking pretty good as is!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
