Ten Ton Hammer Video of the Day

Team CoCo to the rescue

Conan O’Brien recently took some time to get his hands-on time with the hottest game of the week, Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV). O’Brien takes to the streets to cause all kinds of carnage (mostly unintentional) as he wrecks cars, beats bystanders, and runs down pedestrians all while trying to catch a boat in a high-speed car chase before getting a lap dance in a seedy club. Or as Fox, MSNBC, and CNN likes to call it, training to be a killer.

Despite the misguided notion by major news media that we’re all psycho nut job killers waiting to be set off on a killing spree while practicing our trade as mass murderers in cartoonish video games with over-exaggerated fantasy violence, O’Brien manages to show that GTAV, like many other games, is simply a fun outlet of silliness for friends to enjoy, and that even the great Conan O'Brien isn't able to get around certain copyright laws for music as he had to silence the game in his own video.

Rant about the sheer absurdity of some over-sensationalizing news media outlets not doing the slightest bit of research before screaming about the dangers of violent video games aside, GTAV has been hailed as one of the biggest entertainment launches in history already topping over $1 billion in sales. And yet there has been no outbreak of nationwide mass killings or crazed mowing down of pedestrians. How odd...

Have you tried GTAV yet and are you looking forward to GTA Online next month? Be sure to see what Xerin has to say about it and let us know what you think.

If you've got a video you'd love to see featured as our Video of the Day, drop me a link at martuk[AT]tentonhammer.com. You can also tweet me @TTHTuk on Twitter.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

Stacy "Martuk" Jones was a long-time news editor and community manager for many of our previous game sites, such as Age of Conan. Stacy has since moved on to become a masked super hero, battling demons in another dimension.
