100k Turbine Point Giveaway for the Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online

by on Dec 03, 2010

<p align="center"><img alt="Turbine's 100k Point Giveaway" src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/92642"></p> <p align="center"></p>

alt="Turbine's 100k Point Giveaway"

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Turbine has announced a point-giveaway draw for their flagship MMO titles, Dungeons & Dragons Online and the Lord of the Rings Online. There will be separate drawings for each game and the grand prize is 100,000 Turbine Points to spend any way you wish at the respective in-game store.

From the announcement on the DDO site:

What would you do with 100,000 Turbine Points? Would you buy every item in the DDO Store? Purchase matching armor for your entire Guild? Upgrade to the biggest Airship in the game? Change your hair color to match every dungeon? The possibilities are endless. You could be the richest player in Eberron! Simply enter today for a chance to win 100,000 Turbine Points!

While there are no airships in Middle-Earth, there are certainly a lot of interesting ways to spend 100,000 points in the LotRO Store. And that's just the Grand Prize. Two second-place winners will receive lifetime subscriptions to either game, and five third-place winners will win 1,000 Turbine Points.

According to the Contest Rules (DDO, LotRO), this contest is open to U.S. residents only. Players in the rest of the world will have to continue to earn points the old-fashioned way.

If you're a U.S. resident over the age of 13, click HERE or HERE to win, and good luck!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016