2008’s Best Game Concepts with the Worst Execution

by on Dec 23, 2008

<p>The holidays are a time of reflection. A time to look back on the last year and reminisce about all the good, the bad, and the just plain dumb things we have all done.

The holidays are a time of reflection. A time to look back on the last year and reminisce about all the good, the bad, and the just plain dumb things we have all done. In the spirit of the season, Savanja tips her glass to all the games and expansions that made 2008 so great and points out where each went so wrong.

Making a game is difficult. We know that. Sometimes features get pulled and concepts go unfinished in the name of taking a money sink and turning it into a money maker. There comes a point, though, where trimming away a little bit of crust ends up taking out a big chunk of the sandwich and that is exactly what happened with AoC. Everything Age of Conan should have been was contained within the first 40 levels of the game and then…nothing.

Think your favorite game is safe from this arm-chair developer? Think again! We manage to poke the biggest and baddest MMOGs from the last year!

Agree or disagree, we want to hear what YOU think are the biggest blunders of the year! What developer moves made you smack your forehead and go "What WERE they thinking"?

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016