3D Gamers Reviews Auto Assault

by on Jun 01, 2006

<strong>Auto Assault reviews continue their downward spiral...</strong><br /> <br /> 3D Gamers questions the actual innovation that <em>Auto Assault</em> brings to the genre - giving the game a middling 69%.<br /> <br /> <blockquote>On the surface, Au

Auto Assault reviews continue their downward spiral...

3D Gamers questions the actual innovation that Auto Assault brings to the genre - giving the game a middling 69%.

On the surface, Auto Assault presents some new style to the MMORPG genre. However, it does not take long to notice that the game is really just a typical MMORPG with cars and some bugs that show its lack of maturity as a game.

One of 3D Gamers's major gripes was a lack of community, no real "massiveness." I agree, but not for the reasons cited. Gamers get a sour taste in their mouth when they see "Population: Very Low" on the Server Select screen, and begin looking for evidence to justify their suspicions that this is an "unpopular" game, rather than enjoying the experience for what it is. An impression that a game is unpopular exerts a downward force on subscriber numbers just like mass popularity draws gamers like ants to honey.

Make no mistake, the biggest reason World of Warcraft is popular is because it's popular - it was the first MMORPG that had the beans to hit a critical mass, resulting in a nuclear explosion of subscribers and servers. Bottom line: please, please replace "Very Low" with "Normal" or something values neutral, NetDevil. Please! /opinion off

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016