5 Reasons the Legion Should Win

by on Sep 21, 2015

Five reasons why the Legion should be victorious in World of Warcraft: Legion.

It is way past time that Azeroth and the heroes that reside there had a good old fashioned ass kicking. Thus far, we have been able to face off against great evil and come away the victor. We are the prodigal hero and it seems like we cannot lose. Even when Deathwing showed up on the scene and changed the way our world looked, we still managed to throw a Hail Mary and win the day.

With the Burning Legion headed to our doorstep, it may be time that our winning streak ends. Let's face it, things are getting a little boring. If things keep going the way they are, we will always know exactly how the story will end. Perhaps it is time that the heroes fail in World of Warcraft and a new era in the game is rung in. Still not convinced? Read onward for 5 reasons that the Legion should win.

Undo the Drudgery

In World of Warcraft today every expansion has a set pattern. Something bad happens, we the heroes fight against it, then we win and the bad thing goes away. Everyone celebrates. Then we proceed to rinse and repeat. It is just like clockwork and just like watching a clock, things are getting a little dull.

While losing to the Burning Legion would be devastating, it could help make the spark of interest in the game burn a little brighter. Imagine an expansion where you weren't assured a win, where the future was unsure, and even the best heroes could be defeated. While this may not appeal to every player and may seem a little scary, if you sit and think about it, it almost can not be denied that the idea is a compelling one.

A Way Out of Artifacts

Besides upping the interest of the game, the Legion winning could potentially give us a way to get out of Artifact Weapons. Since their announcement I have had a mixture of excitement and enmity for Artifacts. They sound interesting, but what happens when the expansion ends? Do we have to hand in these super amazing weapons? Are Artifact Weapons something we will see in every expansion?

The Legion winning could be the perfect way to say goodbye to Artifact Weapons. The heroes will have lost and perhaps the Artifact Weapon will be taken, lost, or even destroyed. This would be an interesting and easy way to ensure that we get great use out of our Artifacts without feeling like we just discarded these super powerful weapons at the end of the expansion.

Brand New Worlds

We have spent a lot of time on Azeroth. We have discovered new lands and even new places on the places we know so well. It may be time we go beyond even that. It is rumored that Alleria and Turalyon may return in this expansion. These two have been missing in action for quite awhile and it is likely they have discovered new worlds along the way.

If the Burning Legion would win and our world would be lost, we may need to take refuge on one of the worlds that Alleria and her lover explored. A whole new world for us to explore and learn about. A whole new world for us to prepare and plot our revenge on the Legion.

An Epic Comeback

Besides giving us a brand new type of story line in Legion, our defeat could lead to many new and exciting story lines. As heroes, we are motivated to save our world. We would do almost anything to save it. The fight for one's home is always heartfelt and sincere. No one fights like those who are trying to save everything they love.

No one...except people who have lost everything and want to take it back. The story here is a fascinating one, one that has never been fully explored in the game thus far. Our homeland lost, a new one needs to be found, and a burning desire to drive the Legion from our old world. A fantastic lead in for the next potential World of Warcraft expansion.

Changed Landscape

Besides giving us a really cool story line, the Legion taking over the place would change the face of the world forever. Move over Deathwing, a new decorator is in town. Cataclysm brought massive changes to the world, a refreshing change from looking at the same old landscape and playing the same old quest chain again.

The invasion and victory of the Burning Legion would do the same, maybe even taking it one step further. Perhaps Orgrimmar and Stormwind would totally be destroyed. Whole zones would be revamped or obliterated. New quest chains and brand new story lines could be put into place. We haven't seen many changes since Deathwing shook the world, let's not allow it to become stagnant once again.

That wraps up our list of 5 reasons that the Legion should win. While it is likely that developers will probably stick to the same old song and dance in this expansion, but we may yet be surprised.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016