7 Wonders of the World of Warcraft

by on Jun 05, 2006

Our world (the real world for all of you basement dwellers!), have 7 well known, massive, and incredible sights.

Our world (the real world for all of you basement dwellers!), have 7 well known, massive, and incredible sights. Did Blizzard manage to implement 7 impressive sights in WOW perhaps, to see who could pick them out and who can't? Well here is the list of our wonders (as a refresher from grade 12 history!):

-The Great Pyramid of Giza
-The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
-The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
-The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
-The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
-The Colossus of Rhodes
-The Lighthouse of Alexandria

From a collection of different posts on the Blizzard forums, here are the top 7 wonders of the World of Warcraft! Take a few minutes to enjoy them next time you have a raid night off, enjoy some of the fun and beautiful content Blizzard has put in WOW that we barely ever stop to notice!

-The Stonewrought Dam. It's huge, well-crafted (Look at the waterfall side, it's very cool), and does what it needs to do.
-Thoradin's Wall
-The Old God's Head in Auberdine: It's just a really neat thing to see, to think that things such as that walked Azeroth.
-The fallen statue of Kur'talos Ravenclaw in Eastern Azshara
-Kharanos in Deadwind Pass
-The statue of the two kings entering Loch Modan
-The Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016