A Guide to Retaking Weathertop

by on Aug 22, 2007

<h4>By: Martuk</h4> <p>

By: Martuk

The once great watch tower of Amon Sul has become overrun with an Orcish menace that could endanger all those living within the Lone Lands. Retaking Weathertop is no small task and the forces now holding this legendary landmark aren’t going to surrender it without a fight, but fear not warriors of Middle Earth. This guide will walk you through this mission step by step and give you an edge over Sarumon’s forces allowing you to plant the flag of freedom atop the great watch tower of Amon Sul once again.

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The Rise of Orcs

Your first job is to seek out a Ranger named Candaith. He is camped at the northwest base of Weathertop. Concerned with the new Orcish incursion into the Lone Lands, Candaith wants to search out its source, but he needs you to create a diversion by drawing the Orcs attention away from him. The way to do this is to slaughter a few Foul Arrow White Hands and White Hand Pillagers located in an Orc camp west of Candaith. Slay the required number and speak with Candaith again.

An Orc Messenger

While you kept the Orcs busy, Candaith was searching for the source of this problem. During his search he discovered an Orc Messenger setting out from the Midgewater pass. Unfortunately Candaith was attacked and lost track of the Orc Messenger. Candaith wants you to find this messenger and bring the orders he carries back to him.

The Orc Messenger will show up from time to time near the Orc camp on the hillside west of Candaith’s camp. This may take some patience, but eventually he will arrive. Slay him and take the orders from his dead decaying body. Return the orders to Candaith

War-master Uzorr

When you return to Candaith you learn that he has discovered a War-master leading Orcs in Bleakrift within Midgewater Pass. Bleakrift can be reached by traveling north along the river from Midgewater. This will lead you to a strong concentration of Orc forces within the hills. Take a strong group of allies with you before heading out. The War-master is at the top of Bleakrift and will summon two guards to his side. It is recommended for a fellowship around level 20 as the War-master is an elite creature. Once you have defeated War-master Uzorr, retrieve the letter from the table nearby. Return the letter to Candaith at the base of Weathertop and collect your reward.

Selectable Items

Uzorr's Vanquisher
Uzorr's Foe

Lost in Interpretation

The letter you retrieved from Bleakrift is written in Black Speech and Candaith can not understand it, but he knows who can. Get ready for a road trip. Make your way back to the village of Bree. From there head out of town following the road to the north. Follow the road north and a little ways up on the east side you will see a cabin. This is home to the ranger by the name of Saeradan. Deliver the letter to him for translation. Now that the letter has been translated, return to Candaith.

Retake Weathertop

Well it was a wasted trip to Bree. Candaith learned what it said in your absence by observing a band of Orcs making their way to the peak of Weathertop. It seems that the Orcs have taken the great watch tower and plan to light a signal fire to alert other larger Orc forces. Confirmed by the translation of the letter Candaith wants you to gather allies and put a stop to the Orc plans on Weathertop and retake the great watchtower.

Gather a strong group of allies and when you are ready, speak with Candaith to begin the Weathertop instance. When you enter Candaith will await you. Speak with him to get things started. You will need to escort Candaith up the mountain and make sure he isn’t killed by the Orcs you encounter. Candaith will suggest having someone carry a torch and light the piles of wood along the way to draw out some of the Orcs.

When you reach the first gate Candaith will suggest splitting up and taking different routes. You will proceed down the path you are on while he takes a side road. A bit further up the path you will encounter your first signature creature named Bub-hosh. He is an Orc guarding the gate you need to go through. Kill his minions and after you beat him down a bit he will decide fighting you was a bad idea and make a run for it. Luckily for you, during his speedy escape he leaves the gate open. Proceed down the path taking out anything that gets in your way. When Bub-hosh’s nerve returns he will make another attempt at taking you down. Put him out of his misery and continue down the path.

You will eventually come to a locked gate leading up another path. Light the wooden pile nearby with the torch to alert the Orcs who will foolishly come pouring out of the gate. Lay them to rest and proceed up the path through the now open gate. A little further up the path you will have a pretty challenging little fight with Muz The Warg Keeper and his pet signature Warg Throkgoth two level 20 Elites. Not to mention all the lesser Wargs that are with them. Take down this menace and proceed up the path dealing with any who stand in your way.

You will reach Candaith near the summit, but he has been wounded. He will leave it to you to handle the remaining forces entrenched at the summit of Weathertop. Candaith will open the gate leading in so rest and regain your strength before proceeding. Once you engage the enemy it is important to not leave the gate are. If you step outside and the creature follows you the whole encounter will reset.

When you are ready enter the gate and you will be met by Rigul the Uruk commanding these forces. He is a level 23 elite and will attack you aided by several of his lesser Orc minions. Destroy the Orcs and focus your attacks on Rigul. After you have worn him down a bit he will summon another group of Orc allies. Kill the lesser Orcs first. Trust me on this. Once the Orcs are down, refocus your attacks on Rigul. When he is near death Rigul will flee from the fight and release a level 23 Elite Mountain troll. This is why we kill the lesser Orcs first. Be mindful of the Troll as he has a nasty knock back and can send you flying. This is a long fight so use your resources wisely, keep your tank alive, and don’t bounce agro and you should come out just fine. Once you have defeated these last two creatures, speak with Candaith to complete the instance.

Once outside, speak with Candaith at his camp to collect your reward. Good job on making the Lone Lands a bit safer place.

Fixed Items


Selectable Items

Candaith's Leather Leggings
Candaith's Scale Leggings
Rigul's Bane

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016