A Place to Call Home: LOTRO's Developers Describe Player Housing

by on Sep 25, 2007

<strong>I bets it's tough for a wee little dwarf to raise a house.</strong> Continuing our week's worth of Lord of the Rings Online content, Ten Ton Hammer presents our readers with an in-depth look into the player housing that is being introduced in L

I bets it's tough for a wee little dwarf to raise a house.

Continuing our week's worth of Lord of the Rings Online content, Ten Ton Hammer presents our readers with an in-depth look into the player housing that is being introduced in LOTRO's upcoming Book 11. In this article-based interview, Cody "Micajah" Bye and Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle discuss housing with Jeffrey Steefel and Adam Mersky, going into the details of player and kinship housing and what player should expect with the upcoming update.

"I was running through an early demo of the kinship house in one of the Dwarven neighborhoods," Steefel said. "Whereas a house would be a small house that you would recognize, the kinship hall looks like the big church in town – a giant central building, whether it's a church or the city hall. That seems to be the scale of kinship houses over regular houses."

You can click here to keep reading, only at Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016