AA Anticipation Op/Ed

by on Apr 03, 2006

<strong>Why are we anxious for Auto Assault?</strong><br /> <br /> This week&#8217;s common content editorial is all about what makes us hopeful to play Auto Assault. What drives us to wait patiently for April 9th (or 12th) to roll around so that we can

Why are we anxious for Auto Assault?

This week’s common content editorial is all about what makes us hopeful to play Auto Assault. What drives us to wait patiently for April 9th (or 12th) to roll around so that we can finally log into Auto Assault? Get Xerin’s perspective in this week’s editorial: Carrot on a Flamethrower. Crispy grilled carrots not included!

What makes me anxious to play Auto Assault? Lot’s of things! I’ve always been a fan of interesting, exciting, and fresh MMORPGs. Games that snag at your attention with unique gameplay and exciting concepts, then delivers on them. Auto Assault to me is that unique blue butterfly within a swirling abyss of stereotypical yellow Monarch butterflies. Something new, something fresh, but at the same time something that you can understand. Something that doesn’t seem completely foreign to you, something that is similar to FPS and MMORPG gaming. Yet at the same time not a complete copy of them. Fast, furious, and competitive gameplay that leaves you wanting more and more.

Find out why Xerin's anxiously anticipating the release of our favorite vehicular destruction MMO at Auto Assault @ TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016