AA Apartment Guide

by on May 01, 2006

<strong>Home Sweet (Post-Nuclear) Home</strong><br /> <br /> Your apartment is your very own place in the world of Auto Assault to relax and take it easy. You can invite friends, upgrade the looks, and even organize your inventory away from the hustle a

Home Sweet (Post-Nuclear) Home

Your apartment is your very own place in the world of Auto Assault to relax and take it easy. You can invite friends, upgrade the looks, and even organize your inventory away from the hustle and bustle of the world! We have a guide examining the various features that owning an apartment in Auto Assault entails.

Apartments are given to everyone after level 5 and a short quest (generally involves you going outside of the first major town and picking up a key). The apartment is instanced and only available to the apartments owner and his current convoy (more on that later). They can be customized with various items and be a central location to sit down and rest or hold meetings between friends.

So head on over to our Apartments and You guide at Auto Assault - TenTonHammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016