AA Death Op/Ed

by on Mar 20, 2006

<strong>What happens when someone pulls too many pirate robot ninja kobolds?</strong><br /> <br /> It&#8217;s simple: You die. Death is inevitable in Auto Assault, especially when most of the enemies carry rocket launchers or death lasers. However, is d

What happens when someone pulls too many pirate robot ninja kobolds?

It’s simple: You die. Death is inevitable in Auto Assault, especially when most of the enemies carry rocket launchers or death lasers. However, is death in Auto Assault too lenient or too rough? Does the fear of death detract from the entertainment value of the game?

What happens in most any MMORPG when your vitality is sapped and your hit points begin spiraling towards zero? You die. A simple mechanic that keeps the game interesting and adds that certain bit of challenge to fights. However, this challenge can be either an annoyance or a time wasting mechanic designed to keep you playing even longer. What exactly is the purpose of death in MMORPGs and what does it have to do with a car MMORPG? Let’s take a look.

We take a look at this in this week's common content editorial that's all about death in Auto Assault. Visit "Breaking Down" at Auto Assault - TenTonHammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016