AA E3 Elimination Tournament

by on Apr 29, 2006

<strong>Avoid elimination and go to E3!</strong><br /> <br /> If you happen to be an Auto Assault player who is exactly level 30 and have three friends that match the same criteria, you might stand a chance in tomorrow's E3 Elimination Tournament. The g

Avoid elimination and go to E3!

If you happen to be an Auto Assault player who is exactly level 30 and have three friends that match the same criteria, you might stand a chance in tomorrow's E3 Elimination Tournament. The grand prize? A trip to E3, all expenses paid!

We are running an E3 Elimination Tournament on April 29, 2006. This event will take place with level 30 characters only. Characters level 29 and under as well as characters level 31 and over will be disqualified and all characters must be of the same faction to participate as a team. The ‘tournament’ will consist of 4 person convoys. In the qualifying round on April 29th, an unknown number of registered teams will participate in an elimination series of tournaments. The matching functionality is random and handled by the game itself.

View the official contest rules and prize info at the Auto Assault official site, then go get your frag on Saturday afternoon!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016