AA TacArc Guide

by on May 01, 2006

<strong>Tactical Arc, not Tacky Article!</strong><br /> <br /> The TacArc is the <em>Auto Assault</em> game mechanic that allows you to aim and fire your various futuristic weaponry. Understanding the TacArc can go along way with killing more efficientl

Tactical Arc, not Tacky Article!

The TacArc is the Auto Assault game mechanic that allows you to aim and fire your various futuristic weaponry. Understanding the TacArc can go along way with killing more efficiently and having a better aim with your weapons! That's why we've brought you a new guide on Auto Assault's various mechanics, the TacArc!

The TacArc is the blue cone shaped guide that follows your mouse (for turrets) or stays infront of your vehicle (front weapon). The TacArc stands for “Tactical Arc” and displays the range in which your weapons, when fired, will hit things. For example, if there is a Scav in your TacArc and you fire your weapons, he will be hit with the gunfire. There is, of course, a much deeper relationship with the TacArc and the weapons.

So check out our guide on the TacArc at Auto Asault - TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016