Actiontrip Editorial

by on Mar 16, 2005 recently posted an editorial about WoW. It's a pretty interesting review of Blizzard's accomplishments and challenges so far. Here is a sample of the article:

WoW does not owe its success solely to its nice package (unlike myself -Ed) and the fact it's been chosen for one of the best games for the past year by many renowned gaming publications. Despite some technical issues and great ambitiousness with which the whole project was conceived, it still managed to stay in the saddle, never losing any of its charm. A live team was designed to take care of eventual problems, making sure the title gets fresh content on monthly basis (which is not yet panning out as they had promised -Ed), and the game also featured a language change option into French, German, Japanese and Korean, which was a nice and clever addition as the Korean gaming community showed great interest for this extremely popular MMORPG. Just as a side note, the game was recently launched in Taiwan as well.

Check out the full article here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016