Aeria Acquires Dreamlords: The Reawakening

by on Jul 02, 2008

<strong>Dreamlords: The Reawakening joins the Aeria F2P portfolio.</strong>

Dreamlords: The Reawakening joins the Aeria F2P portfolio.

The exclusive North American distribution of Dreamlords: The Reawakening has been acquired by Aeria Games of Silicon Valley. Aeria is a veteran of the F2P space, so this appears to be a good fit for both companies. The free to play MMORTS should be ready for distribution by Aeria next month (F2PMMORTS, how many categories can one game claim?). Adding to the announcement, David Rosén, CEO of Lockpick Entertainment had this to say:

“We’re impressed with what (Aeria Games) has done with other games in their portfolio and how they work with their community and feel they are an excellent partner for bringing Dreamlords: The Reawakening to the people.”

Combining MMO and RTS gameplay is a relatively new twist, but adding the browser based component makes the game very accessible. The next twelve months will be an exciting face-off between the heavy weights of WAR and WoW, and they may be upstaged by something free.

Watch Aeria Games and the Dreamlords websites for more information.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016