AFS Field Report Week of 10.19.2007

by on Oct 19, 2007

A lot has happened this week in the Tabula Rasa world with contests, announcements, and interviews. If you are busy like most folks or afraid you missed something, let us sum everything up for you. RadarX brings you patch note highlights and all the ot

A lot has happened this week in the Tabula Rasa world with contests, announcements, and interviews. If you are busy like most folks or afraid you missed something, let us sum everything up for you. RadarX brings you patch note highlights and all the other major stories affecting the game in our field report.

TR Wallpaper Contest - NCsoft is having a contest to decide who can design the best Tabula Rasa wallpaper. Don't scoff yet, because the prize isn't just a pat on the back, there are Zboards, Tabula Rasa swag, and lots more if you got the skill. Go and check out the contest and see if you have what it takes.

Out of the loop? Read on.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016