Age of Conan Beta Journal at Warcry

by on Mar 20, 2008

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Mitra's Method Goes Beta

In an interesting and pleasant surprise today Warhammer, with the permission of Funcom, was granted permission to post a Beta Journal for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventure. The journal chronicals the author's journey through the isle of Tortage during some sweet beta gameplay.

I think I've probably seen the cutscene that plays before you begin character creation time and time-over (in gameplay videos and so forth), so I really wasn't fussed with that, but it did look very cool "in the flesh", so to speak. In the very beginning, You see the Styigan slave galley that you're on being pursued by what looks like an Aquilonian warship. The slave galley is under-fire from the warship (probably by command of King Conan himself) by means of fire arrows and boulders, and this is how you end up shipwrecked on the island of Tortage, east of the Barachan Isles and off the southern coast of Zingara.

You can read the full journal here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016