Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Peek #8

by on Apr 03, 2008

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RPG Vault at has released a new preview for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. The new preview is highlighted by three new exclusive screenshots that highlight the article by showing off some of the great lands of Hyboria and several character models with some really nice gear.

Cimmeria is an unforgiving region; below its cold, gray sky, much of the land is unforgiving tundra and mountains populated by barbarian tribes savage enough to fend off enemies such as Pictish invaders, Vanir raiders and armies from the Border Kingdoms. Even outside the frequent times of war, the land attracts individuals wanting to test the strength of their arms, the swiftness of their blades, their skill with bows or spears, and the power of their magic against fierce beasts, murderous cannibals and myriad other dangers. Perhaps it's natural that the area gave birth to a warrior whose name has become legendary.

You can view the full article here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016