Age of Conan - Siege Warfare and PvP

by on Mar 13, 2007

<a></a> Staking a Claim Siege Warfare and PvP <i> By Cody &ldquo;Micajah&rdquo; Bye</i> <hr><i>March 13, 2007</i

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Staking a Claim

Siege Warfare and PvP

By Cody “Micajah” Bye
March 13, 2007

As one of the most important and crucial aspects of the Age of
Jorgen was extremely tight-lipped about anything that hadn’t
previously been announced about siege warfare and PvP. He hit on the
basics: siege warfare is included, large scale battles are possible,
guilds can control keeps in PvP areas, there will be PvP
“blood money”, and more; but there was little else
he could tell.

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PvP and seige warfare are
extremely important to the Funcom team..

However, with the responses he gave to a few of my questions, it did
show that the team at Funcom had considered certain aspects of PvP
warfare. For example, I posed this question:

“When there is a siege taking place, do players get blood
money as they normally would in straight PvP area combat? Would a
guild, the organization rather than individuals, get blood money for
successfully capturing a keep area?”

Jorgen was particular in his answer here, as he didn’t want
to give anything away. “We’ve been thinking a lot
about that,” he answered. “There are already
numerous incentives for guilds to initiate siege warfare, but we
haven’t hammered out all the details of blood money yet. This
is something that our players want and our beta testers are working
hard to make this system right.”

Unfortunately, as I said before, there was little to really show or
explain concerning PvP or siege warfare at the demo, so we’ll
just have to see how this section of the game turns out when AoC heads
into open beta.

to the Age of Conan
GDC preview page!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016