Age of Conan: WarCry Editorial

by on Feb 22, 2008

<strong>Sometimes first thoughts just suck.</strong> WarCry dives into Age of Conan with a new editorial titled "On Second Thought..."

Sometimes first thoughts just suck.

WarCry dives into Age of Conan with a new editorial titled "On Second Thought..."

The last couple weeks have been quite eventful, even after the information bombardment that was the Funcom Community Event, which even still remains a solid highlight for the year thus far. The Friday update last week delved into what's been going on with beta recently, and the community learned that "de women" had finally arrived in Hyboria, and they were bringin' sexy back with a fair dose of that femme fatale flair that we had been promised from way, way back.

See what else they had to say over at WarCry.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016