Aika Class Interview Series Part 1 - The Paladin

by on Feb 24, 2010

Mega gaming portal gPotato has recently brought another massive PvP game to our shores. <i>Aika Online</i> features 1000 vs.

Mega gaming portal gPotato has recently brought another massive PvP
game to our shores. Aika Online
features 1000 vs. 100 battles, 100's of quests and 6 unique classes.
Ten Ton Hammer sat down with Christina Kelly, Community Manager from
Gala-Net, Inc., to discuss those classes in a six part interview
series. The first class we will look at is the games primary tank, the
Paladin-- What makes this plate armor clad meatshiled tick? Join us as
we uncover the answers.

Ton Hammer: Paladins are listed as being a tank class, is it possible
for a Paladin to spend their skill points in such a way that they can
also fill a DPS role?

Christina: The DPS role will be a difficult
one for the Paladin
to fill. The Paladin’s effectiveness lies with her ability to raise
threat/pull aggro as well as defend and heal herself or other
characters. This skill set complements her stun abilities and fast
attacks, which constitute the main focus of her offensive abilities.
While her few DPS attacks are very powerful, the Warrior is better
suited for that particular role. Aika has done a good job with
designing each class’s skill tree to give players a variety of ways to
shape their characters’ attack abilities. If you want your Paladin to
fill a major DPS role, use your skill points wisely to learn her DPS
skills and upgrade them to the fullest extent.

You can read the full interview href="" target="_blank">here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016