Aion Announces Double XP Weekends

by on Dec 15, 2009

It has been an ongoing player complaint that <i>Aion's</i> leveling curve may just be a little too steep. Hearing the playerbase concerns, NCsoft has fashioned a temporary fix for players to enjoy.

It has been an ongoing player complaint that Aion's leveling curve may just be a little too steep. Hearing the playerbase concerns, NCsoft has fashioned a temporary fix for players to enjoy. Over the next three weekends, players from levels 1-35 will reap the rewards of double the experience gain. Double! That is twice the reward for the same amount of work previously giving players the opportunity to progress faster than they ever have before.

Along with that bit of news, soul healing will be permanently cheaper with the next patch this week and Energy of Repose will yield a better increase.

Greetings, Daevas!

We’ve heard your feedback that the experience curve can be steep in certain levels of Aion, and over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been evaluating how we want to address this issue to provide for smoother character progression. While we’re committed to providing a permanent solution, our long-term plans require development time. As part of that process, we are implementing a temporary enhancement so that you can feel immediate benefits that we’re excited to be rolling out this weekend.

To aid you in your travels we will be implementing double experience weekends over the next three weeks. These bonus weekends will affect characters levels 1–35. This includes crafting and gathering experience as well. After the upcoming three weekends, we plan on hosting bonus experience weekends once or twice a month. We want to make it easier for you to experience what Aion has to offer for your characters after level 35.

We are also adding a few permanent benefits with this week’s patch. Soul Healing will be less expensive for characters of all levels, and we’re increasing the experience bonus that Energy of Repose bestows for levels 20–44.

While the above is an interim solution, we will be addressing the character progression experience curve with a sizeable patch next year. We look forward to hearing your comments, and we hope you have fun during these bonus weekends. Make sure to tell your friends —the more the merrier!

-The Aion Community Team

Is it enough to get you logged in an playing this weekend? Let us and NCsoft know if double experience is what will help motivate you by clicking the "Post your comments" link below.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016