Aion's GameGuard Gets Bumped From Launch!

by on Sep 18, 2009

The final launch version of <i>Aion</i> is going up tonight to prepare for the influx of pre-order customers who will be starting pre-selection tomorrow. Along with a few minor updates, the surprising...

The final launch version of Aion is going up tonight to prepare for the influx of pre-order customers who will be starting pre-selection tomorrow. Along with a few minor updates, the surprising news that GameGuard has been bumped from the game for launch! Here are some of the update highlights:

- Aion now features all three languages French, German and English. To select your language simply right click on Aion within your launcher and go to Properties->Language Options. Please select which languages you wish to download and which you wish Aion to display.

- After analyzing our open beta test results Aion will not feature GameGuard at launch. We will however continue to pursue ways to effectively utilize GameGuard within Aion in the future. Right now we're focused on providing players with the best possible Aion experience.

- The level cap is now level 50 (previously 45).

- Players will be able to reserve 2 character names during Preselection and create 8 characters in total once Head Start begins and beyond.

- Channels will be set to 10 instances for the beginning 2 zones of each faction. Please note that these will be lowered as characters progress and spread throughout Atreia.

Once again, NCsoft proves to be listening to the playerbase. Hopefully we will see the cheat protection back in game once the bugs have been worked out.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016