Aion: The Day the Tower was Lost

by on Oct 06, 2009

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So you think you know what
happened the day the tower was lost. You
have your opinion formulated, outside interferences calculated, so
that must be how it happened - just like you think. Well, you should
read on.

On that fateful day, two things
happened. First, an uneasy presence was
justified and second, a rift was forged. The great divide began in the
midst of chaos and calamity, in a way that for those who love the story
found it to be very cleverly crafted. Our own Shayalyn put it out there
for the readers to tell us their take on the lore, and we certainly had
some interesting responses. As suspected it was evenly divided, based
on the lore
being released from two separate points of view. Most readers would
identify with
and adopt a given point a view. The controversy though, is much more
than just taking a side.

Near what was to be the end of
the 1000
year war, Israphel proposed a peace with the Balaur feeling the war
would never end and that perhaps making peace was the right way to
bring stability to a people living in constant fear of annihilation.
This idea was clearly rejected by Azphel and various other members of
the 12. Israphel was finally joined by his counterpart and equal leader
Siel, both guardians of the tower. This finalized the arrangement so
the peace talks could begin. Much to Azphel and a few other Empyrean
Lords dismay, however, the Aetheric Field was lowered and the Dragon
Fregion together with others entered the Tower of Eternity.

From what is known, things did
not go well. There was shouting which
escalated into one of the Dragon Lords being killed. Here lies the
controversy, so what happened? There have been several theories pitched
and most are very plausible. Let's take a look at a few, and then you
can decide for

1 - Azphel assassinated the
Dragon Lord

This theory is supported by
suggestive sentences in both the Elyos and Asmodian books. The Elyos
lore suggests that
it was Azphel:

We still speak of the
events that followed that day, of the sudden
shouts of panic. A sickening certainty gripped us that the warmongers
had decided that they would have their way even if they had to
sacrifice all of Atreia to achieve it. Azphel moved swiftly and
suddenly, and one of the Dragon Lords collapsed. The Balaur did not
waste time with words. In an instant, carnage and chaos reigned.

The Asmodian lore leaves this
open to interpretation:

I saw the mistrust and
anger that I felt in my fellow legionaries as
the Balaur walked into the Tower. How could our Lords' convictions have
been so weak as to let these beasts, who wanted us to kneel before them
even now, negotiate with us? I turned to my most trusted centurion to
speak with him, in that moment, everything changed. The crowd shouted
and milled about in startled confusion. One of the Balaur had fallen,
and Lord Azphel was standing ready to fight, his eyes blazing.

This seems to be generally
accepted by many because of the fact that
Azphel is
singled out on both sides and mentioned in the heat of the moment. No
one else is mentioned. I would point out that it's also completely
possible he waited until he knew in his heart the negotiations had
failed and were beyond repair, so Azphel
struck first to gain an advantage.
This would be supported by the fact that he was still taking orders
from Israphel and was not going rogue after this all occurred.

2 - The Balaur sacrificed one
of their

theory is not really
supported by any particular text that I've seen. The theory is that
there was a predetermined death to occur to rally the Balaur forces
into laying siege to the tower while the Aetheric field was lowered.
From a tactical standpoint I don't necessarily see how this can benefit
the Balaur, as I personally do not think they ever wanted a peace
treaty but rather a way to catch their enemies off guard.

3 - Aion intervened to punish
the Empyrean Lords

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one is certainly
plausible because the Empyrean Lords and the Aetheric Field field being
created or even the ability to become a daeva are all possible for one
reason. Aion made these things to give humans a means to survive and
defeat the Balaur, the wretched creatures that went out of their place
and declared war against their god. They destroyed most of the life on
Atreia and found a source of power outside Aion. Once there was an
agreement to make peace, from this point of view
I think it's possible that Aion could have been angered. The only
problem with this is that the
cost seemed to be too high, as the events that unfolded left the
world shattered, and with aether leaving the rest of the land all life
would eventually perish.

There are many other theories
tossed around as well. I prefer to
think there was not any desention among the Empyrean Lords until after
the Cataclysm occurred. It's very possible that the hate developed over
time from a lack of communication. With both sides being at odds and
the Tower of Eternity to the Balaur, and undergoing  a
Cataclysm of sorts that leaves two societies seperated for such a long
period of time can leave things wide open to interpretation. I'm sure
lore junkies are waiting in line with me to hear more of the story

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016