Aion "Visions" Interview with Lance Stites

by on Dec 14, 2009

<p>After NCsoft's release of the <a target="_blank" href="">&quot;Visions&quot; trailer</a> the <i>Aion</i> gaming community went up in a fla

After NCsoft's release of the
"Visions" trailer the Aion gaming
community went up in a flame of curiosity, excitement, and undoubtedly a little
concern.  While the video features a multitude of amazing ideas that would
make even the stodgiest of players giggle with glee, so many questions were left
unanswered regarding when and how these treats would be making it in-game.

Not much has been said regarding the trailer but Ten Ton Hammer was afforded
the opportunity to ask a few questions about the trailer and the future of

We thank Executive Vice President, Game Operations and Production Lance Stites
for taking the time to respond.


Ten Ton Hammer:
mentioned by Ayase via Twitter, the trailer isn't featuring any specific update
or expansion. Does this mean that the content we saw will be spread across
various updates?  

correct. The Aion Vision trailer is a culmination of near and long-term product
updates. We’re not yet confirming specific timing on those features and which
features will appear in which update. Some of these features are further along
in the development process than others, so players may see some changes before

Ten Ton Hammer: Probably the biggest concern for players right now is the fact
that NCsoft made no statement regarding what the trailer was showing and the
previously mentioned Twitter statement left many worried that these were long
term goals and not a actual working to-do list. While we can understand no
release date being given, can these players who are looking for a reason to
stand by Aion hope to see some or any of the shown content implemented within
the next 6 months?

NCsoft: We
absolutely understand players’ concerns and want to assure people that we are
committed to delivering ongoing updates to Aion. Our goal with the trailer was
to give players a glimpse into the development team’s vision for Aion. These are
absolutely features that the team is currently working on, but we also want our
fans to know that the very nature of MMORPGs demand constant change and
evolution to meet the needs of our players so these features are always subject
to change, removal or additions. The trailer was very simply the vision of what
the Aion development team wants to grow Aion into— it is a reflection of the
lifetime direction of the product.

Ten Ton Hammer:
Some of
the video was actual gameplay footage and some appears scripted. Can we assume
that at least some of the content within the video is actually in development
currently? I don’t suppose you’ll tell us which parts, will you?

that’s safe to assume. We’re not at a point of confirming specific features or
timing yet, but needless to say we have a lot of great updates to come.

Ten Ton Hammer: Will this content be deployed worldwide simultaneously, or will
those of us in the West have to wait for it to be localized?

While a
primary goal is to reduce any lag time between Korea launches and West launches,
it is secondary to the quality of product. Our services are separate and
distinct with our own schedules. When we took on the task of bringing
Aion to the West, we did it with the understanding that we want to make the very
best game possible for our Western audiences. We will be looking at the updates
and really scrutinizing what makes sense for Western audiences and not just
assuming that everything should be synchronized across regions. What works with
players Asia may not necessarily be what’s right for our players here.

Ten Ton Hammer:
underwater content when your world consists of players flying between islands
and soaring through the skies?  Why not take us to the heavens instead of the

I think
the vibrant underwater worlds are much more exciting than the cold, dark vacuum
of space. We already have the Abyss, which is a type of fanciful heavens that
work within the context of the game world. And since swimming has been a
frequent request, it’s remarkable to see why the dev team is not just adding a
swim animation, but is envisioning a complete, visually spectacular new game

Ten Ton Hammer: Can we expect more details on the trailer features to be
officially announced anytime soon?

We’ve taken a bold step of sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the future of the
product. This isn’t just a preview or a sneak peak, but an insight into the long
term direction of the product. We will share more details when they’re ready.

Ten Ton Hammer: We’ve seen things such as mounts and underwater zones in the
Visions video. How much of the content we’ve seen is end-game content and how
much of it will be available to new Aion subscribers?

It’s too early to tell, but needless to say we’re aiming at striking a balance
between end-game content and new content for new subscribers.

Ten Ton Hammer: Which is a more pressing concern for NCSoft currently, end game
content or new content for players of all levels?

Our goal
is to strike a balance between keeping our more seasoned, long-term players
happy with new end-game content, while also continuing to add content for
players of every type. I think the trailer illustrates that well.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016