Aion Weekly Newsletter - Finding the Glee

by on Jan 24, 2010

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Another double experience weekend event has come and gone. I didn't get a
marathon of gaming like I had hoped, but I was in long enough to level up my
main which gave me a great feeling of accomplishment and joy.  It's a
small thing, but just being able to step up in content, see new quests, and
pick up new skills makes me giggle with glee.

Unfortunately, it takes double the experience to make that happen and in my
opinion, that's very bad.  Progression can be very slow in Aion, something
that many players complain about.  It doesn't have to be like that though. 
I fully admit that the reason progression is slow for me is because I'm an
adventurer.  I like to quest for experience and I spend a lot of time just
running around with no particular place to go.  This means I pretty much
miss out on dungeon runs, which are excellent experience, and crafting which
also can be very rewarding.

Consider this my late New Year's Resolution.  I intend to check out new
content and do things outside of my regular repertoire for the sole purpose of
finding my glee.  I know that rewarding character progression is in Aion,
and I intend to find it!

Is Aion getting stale for you? Step outside of your comfort zone!  If
you are primarily a PvE player, go PvP. If you haven't tried crafting yet, what
are you waiting for? The great thing about MMOGs is how multi-faceted they are
and unless you're doing a little bit of everything then you are missing out.


Aion Site Lead


Not sure if crafting is for you? Pick up a profession (or two)
and give it a try!  You can cheaply and easily check out several
professions and do some work orders to gain quick experience. If you need a
little help along the way, remember we've got a
set of crafting guides
to help you along.


Ranger PvE Guide
- Contrary to popular belief, Ranger don't just
play themselves. Get great tips to rock your PvE skills!

Alchemy Levels 200-299
- Finally seeing the benefit of higher tier
crafting? Don't stop now, keep it going with this crafting guide.

Eltnen Zone Guide
- Go where and do what? Don't get lost, get all
the zone highlights right here.


Brings Back Double XP
- Hopefully you didn't miss it, but if you did
don't fret they will bring it back again soon! A
Word From Aion's Game Surveillance Unit
- One badass team for one
tough job. Get to know the people behind the bot whoopins'.
January Community Address
- NCsoft announces that in-game events
will soon be introduced.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions for our
newsletter please feel free to drop me
an e-mail
any time!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016