America's Army Inspires Controversial Clone

by on Jan 19, 2009

The government sponsored MMOG "America's Army" has had its share of critics, from human rights groups to concerned parents who question the

The government sponsored MMOG "America's Army" has had its share of
critics, from human rights groups to concerned parents who question the
game's target audience. Aimed at male teens who are on the cusp of
adulthood, America's Army has been so successful in recruiting young
soldiers, that it has finally inspired the one thing that every truly
good game eventually does:

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"Anyone got
some change?"


"America's Salvation Army" puts you in the role of a new recruit in the
world's largest second-hand clothing and goods outlet and tasks you
with collecting spare change and moderately outdated leisure suits.

"It is beyond realistic..." Explains the game's developer in an
exclusive interview. "We have upgrades, you know, like in that OTHER
America's Army game? Except instead of weapons and guns, you can get
better bells, red collection cauldrons, and even a gold plated
tambourine!" He adds excitedly before asking for donations.

America's Salvation Army is expected to fill the quickly growing "scary
hobo" niche, and promises to be the first of its kind, with much of the
proceeds from sales being donated to charity. Unfortunately all
distribution of the game has been halted pending the outcome of an
Intellectual Properties lawsuit brought against the publisher on behalf
of the Federal Government.

Among claims of copyright infringement and patent violations,
prosecutors are also charging that the full retail version of the game
"smells like a hobo's underpants". Investigators are still researching
the prosecuting party's claims that the game also gives players "really
nasty rickets".

More on this story as the court case reaches trial.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016