An Earth Unlike Our Own - Page Three

by on Sep 27, 2007

On top of shooting the assholes, you may also want to be wary of your own faction members on occasion. In <span style="font-style: italic;">Fallen Earth</span>, the developers don't openly declare what anyone's faction is with a symbol above their he

On top of shooting the assholes, you may also want to be wary of your
own faction members on occasion. In style="font-style: italic;">Fallen Earth, the
developers don't openly declare what anyone's faction is with a symbol
above their head or anything like that. It's simply your belief that
they are part of your faction, which they may - or may not - be a part

"We also don't visibly display the faction symbol for the players,"
Hammock said. "So either players will have to wear faction oriented
colors or they'll have to be careful who they're shooting. This is a
game where we want players to have fun, but we also want them to pay
attention to who they're shooting."

"There are abilities in game that allow you to disguise yourself as the
opposing faction," Hammock continued. "And there also abilities to stop
that from happening. So you could technically disguise yourself as the
opposing faction to sneak into the enemy camp and get missions from
other factions and so forth. But those same players also are get a
'Reveal' ability that allows them to strip away that false faction. If
a player does that to you in the middle of a hostile town, you're

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style="font-style: italic;">Eventually players
will have access to mounts and pets..

Since PvP has been integrated into the game, the developers behind style="font-style: italic;">Fallen Earth wanted
to create incentives for players to actually want to participate in the
combat, but make it more interesting than simple side vs. side combat.
So instead of having pitched arena type battles or even completely
open-ended PvP warfare, the developers created several towns that are a
contested part of the
Fallen Earth

"As far as the towns go, we've created it so that players will have an
increasingly difficult time holding the town, but the longer they do
control the town the more content will emerge inside that controlled
area," Hammock said. "NPCs will spawn to try and drive the players out,
but we really wanted to include a reason in the game why players would
want to control these towns."

"We'll also eventually have PC constructed settlements that players can
fight over and that sort of thing," Hammock said. "Over the course of
the game, we're slowly ramping up the complexity of the gameplay for
the players. So in our first sector players can kill stuff and get used
to the game, in the second sector there's PvP elements and we introduce
factions, in the third sector you get pets and mounts and things of
that nature, and eventually you'll begin building settlements and cars."

Dying in combat certainly shouldn't be ignored, since PvP is obviously
such an important piece of the game. I asked Hammock what sort of death
penalty there will be, and he explained it quite thoroughly.

"Our death penalty is basically on a sliding scale," Hammock said. "If
you get killed once, you suffer a minor XP earning rate penalty for 10
minutes and incur some equipment degradation. If you die twice before
the previous penalty wears off, the XP penalty becomes greater. If you
die a third time before the second one goes away, you start receiving
stat penalties. We're making a system where people can go PvP, but at a
certain point it's best to just go home because you will not be able to
keep up."

Along the same lines as death, our group also wanted Hammock to talk
about the healing portion of the game, since players don't necessarily
want to die. With Fallen
being partially based off of a real world model, it
seemed inappropriate for the developers to introduce instant heals or
anything that might thoroughly heal a character in a short amount of

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style="font-style: italic;">Fallen Earth has
yet to enter Alpha, so don't get your hopes up for a release anytime

"There are going to be 'healers' in the game, but it won't be what
you're used to," Hammock said. "It won't be an instantaneous heal. We
wanted to get away from the guy that stands in the back waiting to dump
out heals. We decided to go more for a heal-over-time sort of scenario,
where a player and a healer have to run away from the fight, go around
a corner, and have the healer patch up the wounded soldier before he's
sent back out into the fray. Another tactic would be to place these
'heal-over-time' abilities on players before they go into combat so
they heal while they're taking damage. It's going to be more of a long
time tactical strategy than anything else."

"Healing is also a skill that we've made accessible to everyone, so
while we'll still have specialized healers, they won't have to heal
every nick and bruise a player gets," Hammock said.

Even though Fallen
was obviously in a very playable version of the
game, Hammock stated that the game has yet to enter even the Alpha
testing phase. Rest assured that Ten Ton Hammer will have the scope on
the story when it does break, but as our final question, we asked Lee
what was currently happening with the game's progress if they weren't
yet in Alpha.

"We're still looking for a publisher," Hammock said. "We have the
ability to self-publish, but we don't necessarily want to go that
route. If we don't get a deal we like, we'll do it ourselves, but we'd
like to go through a publisher."

With that, we thanked Lee for his time and headed out back onto the
show floor with our new thoughts and ideas spinning in our heads.
Fallen Earth obviously has a ways to go before they can launch the
game, but if they can achieve every bit of detail and polish that
they'd like to extract from the game, those of us looking for an escape
from the common fantasy MMORPG will certainly have our savior in style="font-style: italic;">Fallen Earth!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016