Another interview with Jeff Kaplan

by on Aug 23, 2006

<strong>Jeff Kaplan has been doing the rounds lately...<br />

Jeff Kaplan has been doing the rounds lately...

Gamepro has released another interview done recently with Jeff Kaplan, lead game designer for WoW.

GamePro: How does Blizzard provide such consistent after-publish support? How do you outdo pretty much everyone else with bug-fixes, balancing, and new content?

Jeff Kaplan: First and foremost Blizzard is a company of gamers. We love our games, and we play our games, and we want to continue to support them as long as we possibly can. We made all these games because we like them and we always see opportunities for polish. There's not any particular secret to what's going on, we just allocate the proper resources and take care of all our products because they're all close to us.

To read the rest of the interview, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016